- Athénée du Luxembourg
Studies (Internal Medicine, Chemistry):
- Centre Universitaire; Universität Köln; Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel,National Institute of Health, Bethesda, USA; University Hospital Tübingen.
- Tübingen, Saarbrücken,Trier, Ibadan Nigeria.
- National: Luxembourg Institute of Health, Laboratoire National de Santé.
Senior positions
- International: WHO Regional Reference Centre for Measles and Rubella responsible for 24 European countries and New Independent States; WHO Collaborating Centre, Pasteur Institute Laos, Member WHO Regional Verification Commission Middle East & Northern Africa.
- Research activities in Virology, Immunology, Molecular Biology: epidemiology, public health, outbreak control of viral and vaccine preventable diseases (Sub-Saharan Africa, Central/Southeast Asia, Europe).
- Scientific Advisor to WHO, UNDP, Word Bank, EU a.o.
- Teaching/training and capacity building of laboratory and public health staff in most of the above countries.
- Other interests/activities: Funding member of TRANSFAIR Germany and TRANSFAIR International, which was to become Fairtrade International.
School & education: past member of sub-commission “Education” of the Conseil National pour Etrangers, Conseil d´Education, Athenée; CSSD-Education Sub-commission.