Sector expertise and key skills
• 28 years career at KPMG with extensive expertise in Banking, Investment Management and Structured Finance, as well as in Capital Markets and related regulations and taxation in both local and international terms;
• Amongst clients were leading names of the Financial Services Industry;
• Strong demonstrated leadership skills as well as team player qualities, I am communicative, outspoken and honest and I have demonstrated capabilities to deliver under high pressure;
• I have an expressed interest for change, innovation and new technologies.
Professional Experience
12/2018 – Present: Governance.com Luxembourg
Member of the Board, Member of the Executive Management Team, Chief Strategy Officer (part-time)
• In charge of defining together with the Executive Team a growth strategy for Governance.com, one of the leading Regtech companies in Europe;
• Successfully developed a suite of solutions and new service concepts allowing the Company to leverage sales and to play an anchor role when it comes to compliance and governance of funds, banks and corporations.
11/1991 to 11/2018 KPMG Luxembourg Luxembourg
1/2017 to 11/2018: Global Financial Services (FS) Digital Tax Lead Partner
• Member of the Global FS Steering Team, in charge of defining the digital strategy for the Global Tax Practice;
• Leader of a team of regional and national experts to identify investment opportunities for the FS Tax Practice.
1/2017 to 11/2018: Global Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) Lead Partner
• In charge to define the strategy and to define a business plan to roll out KPMG’s AEOI solutions to global clients around the world;
• Managing and coaching a team of national and regional Partners to implement the roll out of the AEOI solutions.
10/2016 to 11/2018: Head of Tax and Member of Exco
• In charge of managing 320 tax professionals generating Mio EUR 53 of professional service fees;
• Development of the Tax 2020 strategy together with the team. The strategy was built with the vision of integrating modern technologies in KPMG service delivery models while continuing to excel in traditional businesses.
10/2012 to 9/ 2016: Managing Partner and Board Member of KPMG Europe LLP
• Defined and initiated a strategic growth plan which resulted in an impressive increase of professionals (from 970 to 1650) and sigificant turnover growth (from EUR Mio 132 to EUR Mio 188). In parallel envisaged and started the rebranding of KPMG Luxembourg as the most innovative Big 4 in Luxembourg;
• Managed successfully to innovate the way the company was organized, implementing an entrepreneurship culture leading to more collaboration and innovation between the Tax, Audit and Advisory, a major key success factor. Amongst other milestones was the creation of the Luxembourg Fintech Awards together with the Luxembourg Government, an annual Fintech/Regtech award attracting more than 150 companies from around the world. The creation of KPMG Plage, a unique three week network event for KPMG’s and clients’ professional staff, public authorities and organizations around a relaxed atmosphere in the Luxembourg beach sand in the summer.
10/2009 to 9/2012: Head of Tax, Chairman of KPMG’s Funds Tax Network and Member of Exco
• In charge of the Luxembourg Tax practice as well as the KPMG’s European Fund Tax Network.
10/2007 to 9/2009: Head of Financial services Tax, Head of Banking and Member of Exco
• In charge of leading all market activities for Audit, Tax and Advisory for the Banking sector in Luxembourg;
• Leader of the Financial Services Tax department.
9/2005 to 9/2007: Head of Financial services Tax, Head of Marketing and Communication and Member of Exco
9/2000: Partner Appointment
10/1995: Joined Tax Department
9/1991-9/1995 Joined Audit Department
Contribution to the Luxembourg Eco-system
• Actively contributing know-how and ideas to the Luxembourg eco-system in various groups and organisations;
• Amongst others : former board member of the ALFI (Association Luxembourgeoise des Fonds d’Investissements), of ABBL (Association de Banques et Banquiers Luxembourgeois), of ILA (Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs) and FEDIL (Fédération des Industriels Luxembourgeois); member of HCPF (Haut Comité de la Place Financière, the think tank to the Minister of Finance);
• Expert assisting former Minister Luc Frieden in Financial Transaction Tax negotiations in Brussels, Expert to the EU Commission DG Taxud in the Automatic Exchange of Financial Information Consultation Group as well as KPMG Expert at EFAMA (European Fund and Asset Management Association).
Education and Qualification
• MIT Blockchain Technologies: Business Innovation and Application certificate from MIT, Boston (2019)
• Charted Accountant, Tax expert and Réviseur d’entreprises in Luxembourg (1994)
• Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Economics from University Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg (1991)
• Author of reference study of the tax impacts of the introduction of UCITS 4 published together with Efama, which was a source of inspiration for the EU commission and the European Asset Management industry (6/2010);
• Author, additionally, of several interviews and blog articles (blog.kpmg.lu/author/georgesbock/) focused on Luxembourg’s current and future state, big data, market disruptors, power of digital transformation in the financial sector, social media and various regulation and tax related matters.
Luxembourgish (native), German (fluent), French(fluent), English (fluent)